Let me start this by saying - I AM NOT a technical AI expert (this is a disclaimer I think 90% of people commenting on AI as "experts" should use). My tutelage under the esteemed Asif Qamar (a TRUE AI Expert) is where I have ("through osmosis" as he says) gleaned my business-level understanding of it. It has been through hundreds of meetings with hundreds of C-level personas that we found the world is clamoring for safe, functional, and optimized AI. This article focuses on those three concepts.

As artificial intelligence systems become more advanced and integrated into our lives, there is a growing need to ensure they are safe and beneficial. One way to accomplish this is through a certification process, similar to how other technologies are secured and regulated.

# AI certification would involve establishing standards that systems must meet in order to be approved for widespread use. This could include requirements around transparency, explainability, robustness, and controlled capabilities. With the proper criteria in place, certification can help build trust in AI by providing independent verification of system safety.

Importantly, certifying AI for safety does not necessarily mean sacrificing performance. There are precedents showing that consumer protections can coexist with rapid innovation. For example, modern vehicles have more safety features than ever before, yet they continue to achieve new heights of efficiency and capabilities. Technologies like airbags, anti-lock brakes, and electronic stability control have become standard - all without limiting automotive innovation.

The same can hold true for AI. Thoughtful certification standards can guide the development of safe systems without limiting functionality. In fact, designing for safety often complements performance. By engineering systems to reliably handle a broad range of real-world scenarios, they become more robust and capable overall.

Additionally, the process of certifying AI could itself drive further progress. Establishing benchmarks incentivizes organizations to develop systems that meet and exceed minimum requirements. The technology may advance at an even faster pace thanks to the insights gained during auditing and testing for certification.

Overall, with careful implementation, AI certification can play a vital role in realizing the benefits of artificial intelligence while also protecting individuals and society from potential harm. As this technology continues to transform our world, building trust through safety standards remains essential. Other breakthrough innovations have demonstrated that smarter design does not preclude better performance. By upholding robust certification protocols, we can cultivate AI that is powerful, reliable, and safe for all.

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